A film about “Close Apart: Beatrix Gates, poetry, and Tim Seabrook, etchings” by Matt Shaw commissioned by Word. Blue Hill Literary Arts Festival

Word Festival: Close Apart

CLOSE APART: Beatrix Gates, poetry, and Tim Seabrook, etchings
A suite of seven etchings by Seabrook spanning Gates’ poems
from 1973 to the present with color washes by Leslie Cummins

A documentary film, commissioned by Word from Blue Hill filmmaker Matt Shaw and underwritten by the Anahata Foundation, features a portrait of the process of making “Close Apart.”

Close Apart: Beatrix Gates, poetry, and Tim Seabrook, etchings

A suite of seven etchings by Seabrook spanning Gates’ poems
from 1973 to the present with color washes by Leslie Cummins

For information and sales:
Contact: info@backlightgrafika.com
Back Light Grafika, Blue Hill, Maine

titles of prints:
The Balloonist
native tongue
Nothing to Hide
Conversation with the Body
23rd Street Cineplex
Your grief my grief
The Verge

The Balloonist by Gates, Seabrook & Cummins

Gates, Seabrook & Cummins
“The Balloonist”

native tongue by Gates, Seabrook & Cummins

Gates, Seabrook & Cummins
“native tongue”

Conversation with the Body by Gates, Seabrook & Cummins

Gates, Seabrook & Cummins
“Conversation with the Body”

23rd Street Cineplex by Gates, Seabrook & Cummins

Gates, Seabrook & Cummins
“23rd Street Cineplex”

Nothing to Hide by Gates, Seabrook & Cummins

Gates, Seabrook & Cummins
“Nothing to Hide”

Your grief my grief by Gates, Seabrook & Cummins

Gates, Seabrook & Cummins
“Your grief my grief”

The Verge by Gates, Seabrook & Cummins

Gates, Seabrook & Cummins
“The Verge”

Individual prints in archival folio w Ph-neutral sleeve–$1600
Individual prints matted and framed w museum matt board and museum glass–$1850
Suite of seven prints, unframed: $11,000
Suite of seven prints, matted & framed: $12,750
Images: 9” x 12”; whole paper, 12 ¼” x 16 ¼”; matted & framed, 15 x 19

Acknowledgment for permission to reprint the poetry goes to the publishers:
“The Balloonist,” Shooting at Night, Granite Press East, Penobscot, Maine, 1980.
“native tongue,” native tongue, hoplaong press, 1973.
“Conversation with the Body,” IN THE OPEN, Painted Leaf Press, New York City, NY, 1998.
“23rd Street Cineplex,” IN THE OPEN, Painted Leaf Press, New York City, NY, 1998.
“Nothing to Hide,” Ten Minutes, Firm Ground Press, Old Lyme, Ct, 2006; reprint, 2014.
“Your grief my grief,” Dos, Finishing Line Press, Georgetown, Kentucky, 2016.
“The Verge” published in The Beloit Poetry Journal, Windham, Maine, 2017.

Gates, Seabrook and Cummins would like to thank Sean Michael Taylor, Drew Hooke and Lia Davido at the Innovative Media Research Commercialization Center (IMRC) at the University of Maine, Orono; Shirley’s Yarns & Crafts in Hancock; Ken Woisard, photographer; Ellen Booraem and Lee G. Lehto of Word. Blue Hill Literary Arts Festival and the Anahata Foundation. The University of New England’s Maine Women Writers Collection houses Beatrix Gates’ Granite Press & hopalong press Archive (1973-1989).

No reproduction of this work without permission of the artists.


2021 Cold Read Shorts

The ancient Greeks, who gave us theatre and drama, called the first writers for the stage poets. In celebration of National Poetry Month (April), COLD READ SHORTs presents nationally recognized poets reading selections from their dramatic texts written for the stage. From verse dramas, opera libretti, translations of classical dramatic works, and adaptations, we celebrate the poet as playwright and honor poetry as the original language of the theatre.

The National Poetry Month edition of COLD READ SHORTs is co-curated by associate artistic director and playwright Kyle Bass and nationally renowned poet Charles Martin.

This special installment of COLD READ SHORTs:
Enjoy Beatrix Gates sharing “Betrayal” from her libretto for the opera The Singing Bridge.

Conceived by Beatrix Gates | Music by Anna Dembska | Libretto by Beatrix Gates | World Premiere at the Stonington Opera House, Stonington, Maine, July 8-10, 2005 | Read by Beatrix Gates
Check out The Singing Bridge samples, audio, and text.


L to R, Jesús Aguado, Electa Arenal & Beatrix Gates Celebration of The Poems of Vikram Babu, Bilingual Reading & Program on Translation, Poets House, NYC
photo: R. Santillan

Jesús Aguado is the recent winner of Spain’s Manuel Alcántara Poetry Prize for  the poem, “Intemperie del deseo”/Weathering of desire.

Read/Listen to bilingual selections, read by Beatrix Gates & Electa Arenal, from The Poems of Vikram Babu, HOST, 2006.


B. Gates, San Francisco, 1972 photo: A. Tuttle

“Celebrating Beatrix Gates, Poet, Book Artist, Queer Publisher,” Sunday, June 23rd, 4pm, Reversing Falls Sanctuary, Brooksville, Maine, 2024.

Maine Arts Commission, Poetry Award, Arts Jobs/Artist (American Rescue Plan Act), 2022.

Monson Arts, Poetry Fellowship, 2021.

The Huntington Library, Alan Jutzi Non-Traditional Scholar Fellowship: Research, “Good Seeing: Astronomer Henrietta Swan Leavitt,” 2019.

MacDowell (Lincoln Financial Northern New England Fellow), 2015.

“Epiphany,” translated into Arabic as “Song of Love,” appeared on the Iraqi literature site: http://www.alnaked-aliraqi.net/article/27446.php), 2015

Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (Quita Broadhead fellowship), 2015.

QUEST University, Artist-in-Residence, Squamish, BC, Canada: Teaching “The Words to Say It: Poetry & Prose,” 2016.

“For the Beauty of the Earth,” Collaborations among artists, poets & musicians, Reversing Falls Sanctuary, Brooksville, Maine, June 2023.

Making It Real: Celebrating Beatrix Gates, Poet, Book Artist, Queer Publisher



© Copyright 2024 Beatrix Gates